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Monetize Videos Like Just Like YouTube

We all know that Video is Hot right now and no matter what you are trying to achieve online, videos have become the foundation for any successful marketing campaign.

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That's right, VideoNova is a YouTube Player specially designed and coded for WordPress. It makes it easy to monetize videos just like YouTube right down to the look and feel of the ads!

With Video Nova You Can:

- Create Lead Grabbing and Traffic generating videos
- Great way to monetize your viewers
- Display a video over a YouTube video
- Presell your viewers with initial video
- Increase Opt-in Conversion Rates
- Add Your Branding in YouTube Videos
- Add A Banner Traffic Generator
- Multiple Banner Ads Display
- Create Lead Generating Video Surveys
- Add Attention Getting Pop-up Ads
- It Is Mobile Responsive and Compatible

Take a look at a few interesting facts:videonova3
And while all of these facts and features are impressive they aren't even the best part.  When you watch the video you will see a super-sneaky strategy that blows the doors off similar software. Once you see it in action you'll understand the power behind VideoNova.

It makes it possible for you to give real value to your video viewers while silently persuading them to become your customer. So make sure you stick around for the whole video to see how you can use it to your advantage:

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