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I love sharing simple tips and advice with you that can be implemented quickly to grow your business and this tip is all about how to use content to grow your social media influence.

How many times have you seen a meme or video go viral on Facebook or Twitter and wished people would like and share your posts that way? As a business owner I'm sure you can imagine the impact it could have, but how do you achieve this?

As you know content is king and producing quality content for your social media sites is crucial. Unfortunately this is one step that is often overlooked by many marketers and business owners. Instead of taking the time to write a quality post they quickly throw something together and then start posting about it all over the social media sites.

It is always important to keep in mind that social media is all about sharing. People share their thoughts, their feedback on products and they love to share images and anything that is fun.

If you keep the above concepts in mind then you can easily improve your social media site status and grow your influence. When it comes to social media there is a rule for content in place. This rule is 50/30/20 with 50% of your content coming from news, 30% of your content should be about you, your personality and what you do online. The last 20% should contain information about your business. You do not want to confuse these last two as they are quite different.

Your personality is what will attract followers and fans to your social media accounts. While your business will attract potential customers and by using these together you are creating a business personality that people will know, like and trust.

When it comes to your content it is in your best interests to post content that is positive in nature. Combine this with a friendly personality and you are well on your way to mastering social media. This is much better than being known for always posting negative content.

While posting about your business and what you are doing is great social media followers like to know more about you. This includes posting content about the area where you live, local news stories, sports, music and trending topics in your niche.

To really increase your influence in social media you must always remember to share content and don’t be afraid to share what your competitors are up to. Use your social media sites to have fun while building your reputation, your brand and your area of influence will automatically follow.

Many people think that building a huge following on social media is all it takes to become a successful influencer. There is actually a lot more to this than you may realize.

While it may be easy for you to create a new Facebook fan page and build a following of thousands of fans, what you need is active followers. An active follower or fan is someone who takes the time to comment and share your content. It is this activity that the major sites like Klout and Kred take into consideration when measuring your influence.

It is possible to get your fans and followers to engage with you by following some simple steps. First remember that social media is about sharing content. While you main goal may be to have others share your content, this will not happen unless you share theirs first.

Another aspect that you want to master is the one of listening. Listen and read the comments that your fans post and then take action on them. By doing this you are actually showing them that you are interested in what they have to say. This will help you build trust and respect amongst your followers and in turn this will improve your power of influence.

Always remember to be yourself when using social media and don’t try to come over as you think people want you to. You should know what your brand is and what message you are trying to convey to people. This places you in an honest light and again helps to build trust with your customers. After all you want to be someone who your customers can happily do business with.

When it comes to adding content to your social media sites then always aim for quality content first. When having any type of social media conversation it is best to have one great conversation with one person than to try and have a mediocre one with ten or twenty people at one time.The question Are You A Game Changer on a blackboard

Social media is meant to be fun so don’t forget to include this in your business. You don’t always have to be serious. Exposing a fun side will not hurt your business at all. Instead it will make you look more human and friendly to your followers and more approachable.

So instead of worrying about how to become the next best social influencer, just get out there and inject your personality into your sites. You may be surprised by what happens.

The majority of businesses use some form of social media site today. Using these sites on a regular basis takes time and effort, so how do you know if you are actually profiting by using them?

There are a few different ways you can tell if what you are doing on social media is working. The following are some of the most common ways you can track your results:

1. Using Facebook Insights to see how far your influence spreads
2. By using Google+ Ripples to see your influencers as well as other people’s
3. Registering an account with Klout and working on improving your score
4. Using PeerIndex which covers long term use of social media and categorizes your posts
5. By using Kred with incorporates a higher scoring base than Klout

Plus of course if you are tracking your website with Google Analytics you can also tell how much of your traffic is coming from social media sites.

Social media influence is important and can be a measure of how well known you are across all the social media sites. This is also a good way of getting your brand name recognized.

As well as using the above sites to track your own influence level you can discover vital information about the top competitors in your own industry. You can see how they are using social media and who their influencers are. Then you can take this information and use it to your advantage.

It may be a little difficult to understand the differences between some of these tracking accounts. From a business owner’s point of view Klout will measure your campaign and will track how effective it is. Peerindex will show you how you stand in your particular community. They use eight different categories for every post that you make. So your goal would be to end up in one category all the time to get a higher ranking. By using Kred you can track what your peers are doing when it comes to social media.

All of this information can help you improve your marketing plan and show you ways to become more active on social media. If your current campaign is not helping you improve your Klout score then it might be a good idea to start a new campaign or go in a slightly different direction.