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Are You Planning to Win?

Hello and welcome,

I learned a business changing (light bulb moment) tip recently and I'm so excited to share it with you.

Even though I've been running my business for many years, sometimes I learn something that makes me go WOW! This little tip did that for me and I hope it will do the same for you too!


It sounds like a given, right?  Who doesn't want to win? And by win, I mean make money. That's winning when your goal is to run a successful business, but it's something that many of us don't even think about doing.

Think about it....

There is so much NOISE on the internet.
There are so many things you THINK you need to do.
There are so many DISTRACTIONS that SUCK your time!

So, what do you do if you want to win?

Ignore it!

And plan to win!

Ignore the noise, focus on important tasks first and eliminate unnecessary distractions, especially when you're working.

We must be selling every day! Now before you say, "I hate selling" Let me ask you this:

Are you in business?

If you said yes, then selling is a must. If it makes you feel better call it promotion.
Think about this. Do the retail stores hide their products because they're worried about selling too much? NO!

They sell, and they do it happily! People walk in the store knowing they're going to buy, the displays are created for selling, the cash registers are positioned for selling, the ads and content are created for selling. They are proud of their products and more than eager for you to buy them.

So the next time you think to yourself "I hate selling" STOP it and plan to WIN instead.

Plan to win through selling!
Plan to WIN through helping your PEOPLE win by recommending great products, great services, or hosting a great community.

Plan to WIN through growing your email list (so you can sell to them).
Plan to win through building your social media following (so you can sell to them).

Forget the noise.

Prepare to WIN. Think about the things you need to do to win, to get results.

Do those things every day and watch what happens next. 😉

Where did I learn this time saving tip?

From the lovely Angela Wills of Laptop Lifestyle Business Club.  If you want to learn even more great things that can help you grow your business, you can join the club here Use the coupon code [ lifecantwait ] to save half off your first month!

Thanks so much for reading. I appreciate you,
Lisa M Cope

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