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Hello and welcome to this week’s Monday Minutes. Each week in this series I am going to share simple tips and advice that you can implement quickly to help your business become more successful.

Monday Minutes

This week’s tip is all about becoming more confident in your business!

Many small business owners struggle with low self-confidence, especially when they’re first starting out. Low confidence can destroy your dreams and hold you back from the success you crave. Today I want to talk to you about three of the ways that low confidence might be impacting your business:

Your income level is “stuck”.

You’re not making as much as you want to and you’re not sure why. Many money issues often come back to a lack of confidence. It might be that you’re not asking your clients to pay what you’re really worth or it might be that you won’t launch higher-ticket products for fear no one will purchase them.

Developing your confidence is one way to boost your income. As your confidence increases, customers and clients will be even more attracted to your business. This can create a cycle of increasing confidence along with increasing income.

Accepting the wrong clients.

Clients know when your confidence is low. While most of them won’t take advantage of this, there are some that will. These clients will be demanding and may try to haggle with you over price or convince you to do extra work for them.

Don’t give into the pressure from bad clients. As your confidence grows, start looking for clients that will see you for the skilled professional you are.

You play small.

When you lack confidence, you don’t let yourself shine. Then you end up missing out on opportunities that you really wanted to take like appearing as a guest on a podcast or participating in a joint venture with a business owner you admire.

Playing small may feel safer but it can severely limit the growth of your business. Try challenging yourself to take one small risk each week. As time goes by, you’ll find it gets easier to own your awesomeness.

The good news is that low confidence doesn’t have to mean the end of your business. Learning about mindset and working to improve yours can help you develop the confidence you need to build a successful business.

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Hello and welcome to this week’s Monday Minutes. Each week in this series I am going to share simple tips and advice that you can implement quickly to help your business become more successful.

Monday Minutes

This week’s tip is all about preselling, because if you aren't preselling then chances are you're leaving money on the table. 

When you're doing any type of marketing online, it's important to understand the practice of preselling. To use this method, you don’t need to be an expert marketer. Contrary to popular belief, preselling isn’t a difficult skill to master. It’s not something you should be uncomfortable doing. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the softest forms of selling and when done right it can be one of the most effective.

So, what exactly is preselling?

As we well know, people browse the Internet for information. Generally, they don’t go online to buy immediately. Mostly they just search for information on things that interest them, that will help solve their problems or make their lives easier. However, if they find something worth buying as they browse they can be enticed to purchase. Preselling is all about conditioning the minds of online consumers to buy your products and services.

In order to presell your potential customers, your website should have helpful, relevant and interesting information. If they find it helpful they will naturally begin to trust you and your recommendations. Always keep the know, like and trust factor in mind as you create content.happy-customer

Also, keep in mind that most online consumers are unfamiliar with you and your business. It’s your job to endear yourself to them. You should do everything you can to make them think and feel as if your site is the answer to all their wants and needs.

When you take the time to establish that connection with your online visitors then you are that much closer to making a sale and more importantly attaining a loyal, longtime customer. Just remember, people are smart, so honesty is always the best policy.

Here are a few tips that will help you presell more effectively:

Visual appeal

Make your website attractive to your visitors. Sure, most people go online looking for information, but they will be far more motivated to read your content if they like the look and feel of your site.

Proof and statistics

People like proof. If you can provide them with proof and statistics that the products or services, you offer work like you say they do then you’ll have a much better chance of converting your visitor into a paying customer. You can do this in several ways including customer reviews and testimonials. This form of social proof is extremely effective. Amazon is a perfect example!

The call to action

The ultimate goal of preselling is to eventually make a sale so don’t be shy when it comes to closing the deal.  If you want to persuade readers to buy your product, be direct to the point. The best time to do this is after you’ve provided them with information that will help them make an informed decision because they are all warmed up and receptive to your recommendations.

presell-contentWrite and submit

While, these things are great tools to help you presell, they won't matter much if you don't have any visitors. So, the last tip I have for you is to write articles (or blog posts) related to your products and services, then submit them to directories or other websites that accept guest posts. You can also post them on social media sites like FaceBook, Twitter and so on. This will not only help drive traffic to your website, it will also help warm people up before they even visit.

Download your free procrastination busting worksheet and checklist here:

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Hello and welcome to this week’s Monday Minutes. Each week in this series I am going to share simple tips and advice that you can implement quickly to help your business become more successful.

Monday Minutes

This week’s tip is all about knowing your strengths and weaknesses. If there’s one common mistake that holds business owners back from achieving the success they are hoping for, it's that they try to do too much!

It’s not that they try to grow too fast or expand beyond their reach. It’s that they try to do too much on their own.

Does this sound familiar?business-tired

I create my own content.

I man my own help desk.

I post my own social media updates.

I edit my own videos.

I write my own sales copy.

Are the bells and whistles going off in your head?

The list goes on, and while at first glance it might seem like this approach makes good financial sense, the truth is, it’s actually killing your productivity.  Why? Because you’re spending more time trying to figure out how to do all those things, and not enough time doing the things you’re great at!

If you’re a top-notch list builder, then answering support tickets is a waste of your time. If social media marketing is where you excel, then video editing is taking you away from that important money-making task.

It’s OK to let go of some of the tasks that maybe you’re not so good at and let others do those things for you. Chances are they can do them more efficiently and for less money than you can.

Another BIG problem with trying to do everything yourself is: you will hate it and when we hate something we avoid it. Next thing you know, things are slipping through the cracks, not getting done, deadlines are being missed and your profits are disappearing.  All while you’re trying to figure out how to fit even more into your day, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated because you aren’t getting anywhere.

There’s got to be a better way, right?

keySo, what’s the key to getting things done in your business? It’s knowing what your strengths are and then focusing your energy on the things that you’re good at. Leave to stuff you’re not so good at to someone else.

Start by making a list of all the tasks that you find yourself postponing. Those are the first things you can outsource. Be honest about it too! Don’t just put the things you really dread, make sure you include those mundane tasks that suck your time.

Once you have your list prioritize it according to how much you dislike the task, as well as how easy it would be to turn over to someone else. For example, if you don’t have a flair for creating images for your adverting campaigns and the thought of fighting with Photoshop gives you a headache then outsourcing this task should be at the top of your list.

On the other hand, you might really hate keeping your books, but if it requires you giving access to your bank account to someone else, then it’s something you should probably keep it on your own task list at least for now.

You don’t have to outsource everything in your business. Learning how to outsource effectively takes time. Start with one or two things and then branch out gradually. You’ll find that when you concentrate on what you do well and let go of the things you struggle with; you’ll love your business more, be much more productive and ultimately get your business up to the level of success you want it to be.

Download your free procrastination busting worksheet and checklist here:

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